

グンター・パウリ博士(Dr. Gunter Pauli)は、こんな話からはじめた。



We would consider that person a horrible person.

「私たちは、その人を残酷な人(a horrible person)だと思うでしょう」とグンター博士は言う。

We don't understand why someone could be so barbarian not to let the calf live first.

「まず子牛を生かそうともしないなんて残酷なこと(so barbarian)が、どうしてできるのか理解できないでしょう」



捕られる魚の12〜15%は、卵をはらんだメス(females with eggs)である。


We think it's normal with a fish, but we think it's a barbarian with an animal.


What's wrong with us?


We have to realize the way we're behaving lacks all ethics.


Because we are elephants in the porcelain shop.


Our tail waggles and we have no idea how much we're destroying.



しかし、実際の経済現場では必ずしもそうはなっていない。意識せずに振り回したシッポが、生命の網(the web of life)をかき乱してしまっている。

My focus is on changing the rules of the game.


not using the rules of the globalized economy.


We have a few methodologies that allow us to see the turnaround.

「私たちには、そういった方向転換(the turnaround)をする方法論がいくつかあります」



The lithium is gonna come from the high mountains of Bolivia, which have the largest deposits in the world.


We're gonna destroy that ecosystem in order to do what?



Doing less bad is bad.


We have to say that what is bad needs to be eliminated.


We have to put ourselves in the most creative mind --


That is "the nothingness".


We don't substitute something with something else.


We substitute something with nothing.


Instead of saying we're going to start funding batteries that are more efficient, we're saying , "No batteries."


There's nothing.


And now we're in this nothing, imagine how it still works.


こうした発想こそ、グンター博士の提唱する「ブルーエコノミー(Blue Economy)」。グローバル化経済のルールをつかわずに示す、新たな未来像である。

You use what you have.


You focus on generating value.


You increase so much value with what you have.


If you have the nothingness, the substitution of something with nothing.


then you will not to through the trap of the substitution effect and have undesired consequences.


In the blue economy, we wanna create a sense of abundance.



経済が「できる人(the ables)」を選んでいく結果、排除されてしまった人たち、それが失業者。

We have an economic system that is built on exclusion.


By having this economic logic that unemployment is a need for having flexibility in the market.


In nature, every one is employed , no one is unemployed.


everyone contributes to the best of their capabilities.


We know that the worst will hit.


We know the tsunami will come, we know the typhoon is around the corner.


You need resilience.


You need to be able to bounce back.


That you can't do on your own, and that means you have your network, your web of life.

「一人ではどうにもできませんが、あなたにはネットワークが、生命の網(the web of life)があるのです」

The globalized economy already made an exclusion of the poor.



We recreate the value.


You cycle it always by giving more and more value.


You celebrate life by cycling.


And that gives a resilience in the system.


We have the ethics that says there is full employment only.


The ethics is what we're missing.



In nature, every one is employed , no one is unemployed.


everyone contributes to the best of their capabilities.


In the blue economy, we wanna create a sense of abundance.



出典:『English Journal』2016年1月号


目的的ではないゴリラと京大 [山極寿一]

永久につづく森へ [明治神宮100年の物語]


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